Saturday, July 27, 2013

"'Creative' Made Me Do It!": A look at Developmental "Divas"

Hello Y'all!
I'm a pretentious asshole. Why? Well, let me give you a short list of names, these are people who all currently work for WWE, and after reading this list of names; someone is going to call me a pretentious asshole. I might as well embrace it.


Okay, here we go: Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Nattie Neidhart, Tyler Black, Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Matt Sydal.

Somebody says: You Pretentious Indie Mark, those aren't their names anymore!

But, they are to me, because I know who they really are as wrestlers; not the characters the WWE pays them to portray on television.

As Vince McMahon and his traveling circus continue to distance themselves from being a respectable Professional Wrestling promotion, and gravitating toward world domination as an evil, communist mega corporation; They somewhere had to remind themselves that they still can't actually OWN human beings as property. Therefore, they began slapping pre-packaged characters onto these people, and then began exploiting their talents and abilities for financial gain. Male wrestlers are transformed into "Superstars",  Female wrestlers are transformed into "Divas", and Wrestling as a whole is transformed into "Sports Entertainment".

Okay, so Vince McMahon demands that we change they way we think about Wrestling, and Wrestlers. Fine, but when he starts putting this in the hands of a "Creative Team"; Shouldn't this group of people have some understanding of what wrestling is? And if they are hiring top independent wrestling talent; Shouldn't they maybe evaluate what makes these performers get over with fans? Apparently not.

Somehow; wrestlers from the indies who already had cool, and unique names and personalities are suddenly popping up on WWE television sporting some absurdly lame new moniker, and have undergone some kind of personality transplant that makes them substantially less interesting them I remember them from before.

Somebody says: "You idiot! Most people watching Raw and Smackdown have never seen those guys before! They won't give a flip!"

That might be true; but I then think that those people are missing out, and WWE is missing the boat on some great talent. And since we're talking about "Divas", let's take a look at one prime example of my point in that sentiment:

Serena Deeb
Serena in SHIMMER

Serena in WWE
Many fans of Women's Wrestling just love Serena Deeb, and why not? She's an outstanding performer who puts her all into her matches, can cut great promos, grab your attention and pull you right into the action inside the ring, and she's a real treat to the eyes as well. Her entrance music loudly exclaims "What A Feeling!", as Serena drives right into her matches in full force as a lovable Heroine out to collide with the villainous heels that she is in conflict with. At least that's how it is in lovely SHIMMER-land, anyway. In WWE, it was a different story.

Serena popped up out of the crowd during one of CM Punk's attempts to "save" some of the hopeless drug and alcohol abusing fans one particular Smackdown event in 2010, and begged Punker to "Save" her. Punk shaved her head bald, and welcomed her into the straight-edge society. From there; Serena served as the group's valet, and had an occasional match where she wasn't really allowed to show just how talented she actually is. This goes on for a couple months before WWE suddenly fired her because she actually had the audacity to go out and enjoy herself with a few drinks and thus not "living out" her straight-edge gimmick that she never actually was to begin with aside from the character that she plays on television.

I don't think the dude from "Dexter" has a warrant out for his arrest because he plays a serial killer on TV, but I digress. Serena never really got what she deserved; which was the chance to prove that she could possibly get over as the most loved "Diva" in the universe just by being herself, and doing what she does best. It was one of the biggest "facepalm" moments I've had as a wrestling fan in recent times, and every idiotic thing WWE continues to do to their talent is just as stupid, but not as surprising.

Before we move on; I should note that Serena is back in SHIMMER, recently returning from an 18 month absence due to a serious concussion. She's still kicking ass, and recently struck a feud with Jessicka Havok. 

Now let's take a look at some of the recently Signed female talent that WWE is trying to turn into the "Divas" of the future. But first, I would like to mention that I think that out of all the degrading things WWE has done to their female talent; chief among them is calling them "Divas". A "Diva" is a particular type of woman; as Wiktionary would describe: "A person who may be considered or who considers herself (or by extension himself) much more important than others, has high expectations of others and who is extremely demanding and fussy when it comes to personal privileges." This description does NOT apply to everyone who has a vagina between their legs. It's like those bonehead guys who casually refer to all women as "Bitches", because WWE is inadvertently doing  just that; only with different vocabulary. 

Now as we look at these few ladies; let's do a bit of role-play where I will jump into fantasyland and pretend that in some parallel universe; I am the booker/Creative writer for WWE. I'll give me take on that after we take a look at who they are and what WWE is doing with them. And, coming off of my "Diva" rant, let's start with NXT's most popular woman who claims to be an "Anti-Diva":

Britani Knight/Paige
Britani in SHIMMER

Britani in WWE as "Paige"

If were going to know who Britani Knight is, we will have to start with her ever-so-charming mum; "Sweet" Saraya Knight.

"Sweet" Saraya Knight as the SHIMMER Champion
I never liked Linkin Park, but the song "Faint" holds some importance to me as a wrestling fan because when it comes on over the PA at the wrestling show: it's only a short time before the gates of hell open up, and the wicked queen enters the arena. Saraya is by far the meanest, and most maniacal villainess in wrestling. Saraya entered the American wrestling scene via SHIMMER a few years back as a 20+ year veteran of the European wrestling circuit. Without any exposure to the American fans; Saraya quickly become the mosted hated heel in SHIMMER. As the wicked queen; Saraya's villainy was complemented by her wacky, and annoying-yet lovable teenage princess Britani Knight.

Britani got over huge in SHIMMER, primarily because of her silliness, extremely loud and outspoken nature, good looks, and natural wrestling ability. Britani didn't stay long in SHIMMER before she was signed to the circus, but she left a most memorable impression with some great showing against the likes of Jessie McKay, and Cheerleader Melissa.

It wasn't much of a surprise that Britani was picked up for developmental seeing as she has a lifetime of wrestling experience, a natural charisma, and most importantly (to them) she's got sex appeal to boot.

The infamously idiotic "creative" team re branded Britani as "Paige"; A fiery, anti-diva. Paige was given a mysterious goth-girl personal and set about NXT fighting with the "Divas", ultimately to become the NXT Diva's champion.

Fine, so this has worked out well for her, and I'm glad because I had my doubts when I heard what they were doing. However, I think it could have worked out even better if the monkeys in creative didn't change ANYTHING about her from what she was doing in SHIMMER.

In my fantasy scenario; I would have brought Britani in exactly as she was on the indies, and I would have tried to get Saraya in as well (at least on a part-time basis). As over as Paige is in NXT, she was much more enthusiastically embraced by fans in SHIMMER. When Britani finally got sick of her mum's abuse and fought back; the crowd went apeshit. Had it been re-introduced in NXT; it would have been television gold, and Britani would be immensely more over than she currently is. The anti-diva persona could have followed suit naturally, but with Britani's natural charms and personality to reinforce it.

Tenille in SHIMMER
Tenille in WWE as "Emma"
How many famous women can you think of named Emma? Let's see; there's Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Emma Thompson, etc. Now, how many famous women do you know named Tenille? I'm drawing a blank there. So, what the heck kind of logic is taking a girl with a unique name and then giving her a boringly common name? I mean hell, "Emma" is the 2nd most popular female baby name right now according to the Social Security Administration. BORING! I refuse to call her "Emma", she's Tenille. If your going to give her a fake name; at least pick one anywhere near as unique as her real name. Tenille's a prettier name anyway.

So, Tenille is an Australian wrestler who got her training in Calgary under Lance Storm. Tenille was very impressive in SHIMMER, and had a very bright future. She still does, but as "Emma"; I feel like she's being sorely misused. Part of the whole developmental process is to bring out more charisma in a performer like Tenille, and apparently that amounts to her "dancing" around the arena looking like a fool rather than seeing some improvements in her promos and crowd interaction. Granted, as good looking and talented as she is; she was pretty easy to overlook in SHIMMER because there wasn't much to her character. However, the creative team presented her with this bad dancer gimmick to fix that, and as a result, "Emma" just looks ridiculous to me. I think Tenille has far too much talent and potential to be portrayed this way.

Now, I would have brought Tenille into developmental and kept her in Dark matches for a while while the trainers got her abilities to talk and perform to blossom a bit more. I obviously would have left her name as is. I also would have spent time with Tenille, and tried to pick out aspects of her personality that could be amplified to cause fans to like her. Everybody loves those idiosyncratic things that stand out about people (The People's eyebrow, CM Punk's straight edge lifestyle, etc.) I think Tenille is terrific in her ring-work, and a little more outspoken Tenille could get over very well on TV.

Davina Rose/Beyley
Davina Rose in SHIMMER

Davina in WWE as "Beyley"

Now, I just love me some Davina Rose. She's a local NorCal girl for starters; but beyond that, she's a fantastic athlete and she shows some serious promise as a pro wrestler. 

Davina debuted in SHIMMER as Serena Deeb's protege. Right there is your reason why Davina is good; she's got the ultimate SHIMMER heroine as her mentor. Davina took her share of beatings and proved she's not a joke. Davina would team with the likes of Mia Yim, and eventually win some matches. She's an awesome, up and coming talent, but then she gets signed to developmental out of nowhere.

Davina is great, and has a future as bright as the sun, but I was very surprised (and a little concerned) to hear that she got signed, just like that. Davina did her time on the indies, but did not develop completely in my eyes. She's a very good athletic competitor, but she still needed work in my eyes before she was ready to head up to television. 

As usual, WWE slapped everything Davina meant to us indie fans right off the table and named her "Beyley", and since then she's been basically a jobber for the NXT "Divas" ever since. Davina is better than that, but she hasn't had enough time to really prove it. I wish the very best for Davina because I really like her, and because she deserves to be top flight talent in the coming years, but I would have given her at least a year or two more to polish up before signing her.

If I had to take Davina now (pretending to be WWE creative), I would have not changed her name (noticing a theme here?), and I would have spent a little money to send her to various indie promotions to work. I would have also spent some time with her to see what she wanted to do with herself in the business, and fought which ever way to utilize it. Davina strikes me as a woman who is in the wrestling business to be somebody, and I would have tried to find out who that person is destined to be, and put that on my tv show with trust that Davina could deliver, because I believe she can.

Last, but definitely not least:

"The Queen Of Wrestling" Sara Del Rey
Sara Del Rey in SHIMMER
In my honest, and humble opinion; Sara Del Rey is the single greatest female pro wrestler alive. I know there are Ayako Hamada fans who would disagree, but even those fans would have to put Sara in their top 5. Sara proved her worth in gold for thousands of lucky fans (I wasn't one of them) who got to see her perform live. Sara destroyed gender barriers everywhere she went, and as a result the first SHIMMER champion is one of the very best wrestlers; regardless of gender, that professional wrestling has to offer.

WWE signed Sara last July, and ever since; Indie wrestling fans have been dealing with an enormous loss in the women's division. SHIMMER fans have been exclaiming melancholy words of "I miss Death Rey" for almost a year now, and there's no going back. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that Sara finally got a job where she can be paid anything near her worth in money; but the fact that wrestling fans cannot watch the best female wrestler in the universe on PPV television when she is signed to the only company that produces pay-per-view that wrestling fans care about is not only offensive; it's just plain stupid.

The idea of Sara training the "Divas" in NXT isn't exactly a stroke of genius; it's common sense. Having the very best on your payroll training the girls is the obvious choice, but not having the best female wrestler alive on TV isn't. Sara should be headlining Wrestlemania in the semi main event. That's just how good she is. SHIMMER fans have known this for years, but it seems that anybody who doesn't show up short of a Porn-star's looks, and ginormous fake tits doesn't get the gig. That, to me, is just insane.

Isn't WWE supposed to be the ultimate, the hallmark? Isn't this where we're going to see the best of  the very best?

Well, they want you to think so, but then, Sara Del Rey isn't on Wrestlemania. So basically, no. WWE is where some great talent goes to be forgotten, yet hopefully pass their knowledge on to prettier faces who some shithead in creative thinks will sell more tickets.

Lastly, If I was in creative; I'd have Sara doing both (and pay her damn well for it). She would be wrestling for the Women's championship against top notch competitors from around the world, just like she was in SHIMMER, but at Wrestlemania. When she wasn't kicking ass on TV and PPV, I'd pay Sara the extra cash to develop the WWE Women's division (notice i'm not using the Diva word here). 

Why WWE doesn't have her on TV, at least part time baffles me. I realize that the WWE creative only have eyes for the ultra sexy supermodel girls, and while Sara is very sexy in her own right; she's more of an athlete than a model. So then the question becomes: what the hell are you trying to sell me WWE? Wrestling? or Bullshit? It certainly looks like the latter me recently.

In closing:

I just feel that when it comes to great indie talent getting signed to WWE: The working man in me feels happy for the wrestler to get a high-paying job, but the wrestling fan in me feels shitty because I have a terrible feeling that the circus is going to abuse them. This goes for every wrestler they sign; not just women, I think about Sami Callihan, and Samuray Del Sol. I want them to succeed, and I want to watch them succeed; but I feel that the evil, communist machine is only going to misuse them. 

I write this blog hoping for change, and that wrestlers and fans both get what we all deserve.

Thanks for reading, and keep wrestling awesome!

-Cory A. Jones

Thursday, July 18, 2013

AAW Day Of Defiance 2013 (MP4 Review)

Day Of Defiance 2013
Smart Mark Video

AAW returns to the Berwyn Eagles club for more action in May 2013. AAW has been the top promotion in the midwest for my money as a fan from California. This show promises the performances of the midwest's best, as well as many others. We'll get Sami Callihan vs. Shane Hollister, and Samuray Del Sol vs. Silas Young amoung other great bouts. So any AAW fan knows we are getting our money's worth even if the undercard dissappoints; which in this case: it didn't.

1. Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine vs. Zero Gravity
2. Heidi Lovelace vs. "Miss Natural" Heather Patera
3. Jake Crist vs. Jimmy Jacobs
4. Davey Richards vs. Mixed Martial Archie
5. Davey Richards & Kyle O' Reilly vs. Michael Elgin & ACH
6. Dan Lawrence, Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix vs. Colt Cabana, Juntai Miller & Mat Fitchett
7. Eddie Kingston debuts in AAW
8. Silas Young vs. Samuray Del Sol
9. Last Man Standing: Sami Callihan vs. Shane Hollister 

1. Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine vs. Zero Gravity
Good opening tag match. Lyndon and Fontaine have been building their presence as a team while Zero Gravity are veterans of the Chicago tag scene. About what I expected.

2. Heidi Lovelace vs. "Miss Natural" Heather Patera
Heidi looked really good in this outing against Miss Natural. Patera has been most impressive since returning to the ring last year. Heidi put up a good fight, but the experienced veteran showed her up in this much needed Women's match on the card.

3. Jake Crist vs. Jimmy Jacobs
A deepening aftermath of the Crist Bros. VS. Cannon & Jacobs fued presented our next match with some long running heat. Combined with Jake's ring ability meeting Jimmy's consistently good performances made this an entertaining undercard match.

4. Davey Richards vs. Mixed Martial Archie
Easily the most entertaining part of the show as "Mixed Martial Archie" (Archibald Peck) debuted in AAW against Davey Richards in a humorous matchup under MMA rules. Fans of Chikara and comedy wrestling would love this as much as I did.

5. Davey Richards & Kyle O' Reilly vs. Michael Elgin & ACH
Back to serious business; Davey was joined by his partner Kyle O'Rielly to face the threat of AAW Champion Michael Elgin and Heritage Champion ACH. ACH's incredible athleticism, Michaels Elgin's Incredible Strength, and Davey  and Kyle's Incredible ring Talent were all on display here in this fantastic tag match. A amin event quality show we got in the undercard.

6. Dan Lawrence, Keith Walker & Tweek Phoenix vs. Colt Cabana, Juntai Miller & Mat Fitchett
A reasonable but forgettable six-man tag match was up next. Good performers and wrestlers, but the match left nothing to be remembered.

7. Eddie Kingston debuts in AAW
Eddie Kingston is a badass; as he easily proved by putting away Jordan McIntyre, Marcus Crane, and Knight Wagner with relative ease. He was entertaining throughout and proved (at least for the time being) that he was a wecome commodity in AAW.

8. Silas Young vs. Samuray Del Sol
This was a very good match for solid wrestling fans. Silas is a true star of the midwest indies, while Samuray is an amazing performer whom I've had the pleasure of seeing live and can say he's no joke. Needless to say; I was very excited for this match. It was A technical tou de force, and a hell of a show by both with Silas coming out on top.

Silas would then be confronted by Eddie Kingston; who delivered a fan-upsetting speech (turning heel in the process), to which Silas responded by displaying a rare glimpse of likability (turning face in the process). Kingston assauted Val Malone, and put Silas through a table. He announced himself a new force to be reckoned with in AAW, and to be honest; I hope Silas kicks his ass next time around.

9. Last Man Standing: Sami Callihan vs. Shane Hollister 
For our final match we have the incomparable Sami Callihan vs. AWW's brightest shining new star in a Last Man Standing Match. As much as I love sexy Scarlett; I was glad she stayed out of this one for the most part, and when Marcus Crane tried to get involved: he got demolished. I won't spoil it for you, but this match lived up to the hype as it went all over the building, and really came down to the last man able to stnd at the end of this war. An awesome match that will only make me miss Sami that much more as he leaves for the circus, and truly make me respect Hollister as the new guy for the future.

Final Ratings:
Overall Presentation Quality: 7/10
Average Match Quality: 7/10
Visual Quality: 8/10
Audio Quality: 8/10
Packaging Quality: 8/10
Final Grade:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"The Ultraviolent Beast: The MASADA Story" DVD Review

The Ultraviolent Beast: The MASADA Story
Smart Mark Video
Shoot Interview

This special "Best On The Indies" release from SMV chronicles the career of "The Ultraviolent Beast" through a 5 hour shoot interview, and a handful of MASADA's matches.

Smart Mark Video has produced a long series of spotlight titles focusing on specific indie wrestlers. Usually including a shoot interview, and a selection of matches. In this Case; MASADA is the focus, and The Ultrviolent Beast holds nothing back in an epic 5 HOUR(!) Shoot interview. Topics range everywhere from his beginnings on the Texas and Louisiana indie circuit, through his tryouts with WWE and TNA, His lengthy tours of Japan, all the way to the present time where MASADA reigns supreme as the top dog in CZW.

For anybody who is curious about MASADA'S career; The interview should tell you just about EVERYTHING you've wanted to know, while still leaving you with some new curiousity about the dude's experiences and lifestyle. MASADA tells stories about his time in ROH, NWA: Wildside, IWA: Mid-South, CZW, Big Japan, and a hell of a lot more. He opens up about his perspective on the business, other wrestlers, fans, life as a wrestler, and gives us a look at his unique personality. 

In addition to the interview; we are treated to 4 matches featuring MASADA including battles against Sami Callihan, Danny Havoc , Adam Cole, and Yoshihito Sasaki from CZW and wXw.

While the interview is very interesting, and well worth the price on it's own; it is extremely long (spanning across all 3 discs, and clocking in at just about 5 hours total), and leaves very little room for matches. 

Unlike many other "Best On The Indies" releases which feature a nice variety of matches (some between 20-30 matches); this one only has 4 matches included. While all of the matches are very good, and showcase MASADA's straight wrestling talent as well as his crazy hardcore/deathmatch abilities (including the gruesome Gusset Plate match against Danny Havoc. 

Basically my only complaint about this DVD release is the interview-to-matches ratio being a bit too one-sided. I would have been much happier with a 3 hour interview, and 10 matches rather than a 5 hour interview and 4 matches. It would have just felt like a more complete package compared to the other titles in the series.

Overall Ratings:
Overall Presentation Quality: 6/10
Average Match Quality: 9/10
Visual Quality: 8/10
Audio Quality: 7/10
Packaging Quality: 7/10
Final Grade: